Jeremy Williams-Chalmers, Arts Correspondent

Musical Motivation: JeyB

Mexican singer/songwriter JeyB is an old school pop fan, whose own musical output has started to garner international attention. His latest single sees him team up with La Chule Ruiz to directly speak out about the ever-present homophobia and attached violence. Moved by the powerful words and delivery of the musical moment, we caught up with JeyB to find out more about the music that inspired him. We asked him what songs make him...


Make Me Like You by Gwen Stefani

It reminds me of someone special...


Slide Away by Miley Cyrus

It transports me and makes me understand that you have to enjoy the perfect moment today, because nothing is forever, in the end everything ends.


Don't You Remember - Adele

I am touched by very sensitive fibres, it is part of the soundtrack of my life, it is to tell someone that you love, and that he is gone, that he remembers, that he does not forget you, that you do not want to die in his life and his heart, because people never we die until we are forgotten.


Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F) - Katy Perry

I love the video! I find it very funny and it makes me laugh I could see it and listen to the song a thousand times, also the energy of its rhythms puts me in a good mood.

Want to exercise

Hung Up by Madonna

The beat runs through my veins and accelerates my heart, I begin to do cardio with the mind just by listening to it, I think it is a song that fills you with a lot of energy.


Cool by Gwen Stefani

It reminds me of my ex, an old love, I think it shows beyond an old relationship, how in life we ​​have to mature and learn to let go, learn that love is freedom and that people do not belong to us.


Vogue by Madonna

I can't explain it, lately I've always had that song in my head and it relaxes me to listen to it, I think the beat transports you and makes you travel.


Roar by Katy Perry

This song defines me, in life you have to be lions and eat the world, never let anyone turn off your light, or steal your dreams, and if someone tries they should listen to you roar.