Andrew Palmer, Group Editor
Classical Music: Wagner Parsifal
Wagner Parsifal
Derek Welton, Tobias Kehrer, Georg Zeppenfeld, Andreas Schager, Jordan Shanahan, Elīna Garanča, .
Chor der Bayreuther Festspiele Chorus Master: Eberhard Friedrich
Orchester der Bayreuther Festspiele
Conductor: Pablo Heras-Casado
Deutsche Grammophon: 4865877.Deutsche Grammophon
Having returned from this year's Bayreuth Festival, I am continuing the enjoyment with this stunning recording of Wagner's
Parsifal from last year.
The opera explores a whole world of ideas, including the longing for death, the struggle for existence, the hope of redemption, and fantasies revolving around the theme of annihilation. Wagner called his final work a Bühnenweihfestspiel, a “festival play intended to consecrate a stage." Performed for the first time in Bayreuth on 26 July 1882, it treats of humanity’s great questions about faith and life. Marlene Schleicher’s interesting notes set the context.
Pablo Heras-Casado’s interpretation has pace; I like his tempi. The orchestra responds with stupendous crescendos and provides terrific textures.
Deutsche Grammophon’s recording quality is excellent; the clarity is first-class, and the sound is glorious. This recording is highly recommended; the orchestra and chorus are exceptional, as expected. One feels transported to the theatre for a superlative artistic production.
The cast is magnificent, with excellent diction and brilliant performances from Georg Zeppenfeld as Gurnemanz, Andreas Schager as Parsifal, and Elīna Garanča as Kundry. Her scream when she is with Klingsor, a confident and strong Jordan Shanahan, in Act 2 is strident. Derek Welton’s portrayal as Amfortas is rich in tone. The Flower Maidens are delightful throughout with exquisite and expressive singing.
The recording holds the listener's attention with a vivid emotional intensity and the performance is glorious, sonorous and fluent. There is a luminosity that shines, intensifies and sustains until the end. Thanks to the excellent recording quality, there are many palpably thrilling and exciting moments.